The news and the internet seem to full lately of this cyberbullying thing. I guess the fact that I don't have a computer at home isn't such a bad thing. I don't have a MyFace or SpaceBook page. Don't write me an ugly comment. I know their names, I just don't care. I don't write e-mails. I wouldn't be blogging if my English teacher wasn't forcing me. I just want to pass the course. See, now that I cae about, because I don't want to scrub toilets for a living. There are lots of things I'd like to have, but Friendster comes low on my list. I get jealous once in a while of the kids who have all the gadgets, the nice clothes, a car, all that, but it could be I'd only be in trouble more often if I had all that stuff. Do you think that's my mother's way of looking after me? Nah, even I can't buy that.
Maybe it's because I have other things to worry about, but I just don't see why you'd let someone writing something about you become such a big deal. Okay, words can hurt, but you have to wash your hands of those people who only want to take shots at you. I know every kid doesn't think like me. I know some of them are really wimpy. If you got a wimpy kid, don't you look out for him? Or if your friend or cousin is all sensitive, don't you keep an eye on him? I could be all wrong. I can't say anybody watches out real well for me. Then again, I can take care of myself. I do take care of myself, so my opinion is the only one that matters.